Thursday, December 2, 2010

Open Letter to The FIFA Executive Committee from the members of the Russian National Tea Party Movement.

(And, of course, from me too.)

Dear Members of the Executive Committee,

Since Russia is a candidate country for hosting the 2018 world cup, we urge you not to give Russia this status.

First, in contrast to the developed countries, in Russia the bulk of the costs of organizing the world cup will be borne by the taxpayers and not those who would be willing to voluntarily contribute to the world cup. We believe that it would be unjust to force all Russians to finance the world cup, even those who are not in any way interested in football.

Secondly, as you may know, there is neither an independent judicial system, nor sufficient rule of law in Russia. The citizens’ property rights, including property rights in land plots are not adequately protected. And the existing legislation allows takings of private land plots for very loosely formulated public purposes. This raises our concern with the fate of Russian citizens whose property rights in land plots would be under threat in connection with the creation of infrastructure for the world cup.

We hope that the rights of ordinary Russian citizens are more important to you than the interests of potential small circle of well connected Russian beneficiaries from the world cup.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Appeal for a worldwide ban on female genital mutilation by the United Nations General Assembly in 2010.

We, the undersigned, human rights activists and citizens worldwide, joining together after years of struggle for female genital mutilation to be recognized and condemned as a violation of the human right to physical integrity, and conscious that a United Nations ban will give new strength and impetus to the efforts that are still needed to end the practice worldwide;
- call upon the 65th session of the United Nations General Assembly to adopt a Resolution to ban female genital mutilation worldwide;

- call upon all governments, and upon all international and regional organizations, to support and promote the adoption of this Resolution in 2010;

- invite all citizens of the world to support this initiative and sign the petition to put an end to this widespread and systematic form of violence committed against women and girls, in violation of their fundamental right to physical and personal integrity.

Sign the petition:

According to the link from:

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Putin Principle

Ottawa - Article 31 of Russia's constitution guarantees freedom of assembly. In defence of their diminishing democratic rights and so as to protect this constitutional right of assembly, on the 31st of each month Russia's beleaguered opposition gathers to protest. Unfortunately, in Putin's Russia, notwithstanding constitutional guarantees, the democratic space has been shrinking. On August 31, peaceful protestors of Russia's democratic opposition were arrested. Vladimir Putin, commenting on the arrests of leaders of the democratic opposition, established a new tenant of Putinism; protesters have been warned by Putin that "You will be beaten on your skull with a truncheon. And that's that."

This statement was made in response to questions surrounding the arrest of activists carrying the Russian flag on August 31, a date symbolizing the right to free assembly in Article 31 of Russia's constitution. In the past several weeks opposition leaders such as 69-year-old Lev Ponomarev (a long-time human rights activist) and Mikhail Schneider (a leader in the newly formed democratic opposition movement Solidarity) have not only been arrested, they have been sentenced to prison using old Soviet-style laws which allow for prison terms for taking part "in unsanctioned meetings."

Liberal MP Borys Wrzesnewskyj commented on the imprisonment of Mr. Ponomarev and Mr. Schneider, as well as the arrest of Mr. Boris Nemtsov, leader of the democratic opposition and former Deputy Prime Minister of Russia (Mr. Nemstov was arrested the day after Wrzesnewskyj introduced Mr. Nemstov who was linked by Skype to the Black Ribbon Day conference at the University of Toronto's Munk Centre organized by the Central and Eastern European Council of Canada):

"Mr. Putin has not only diminished Russia's democratic space, he is instituting a new dictatorship. As he prepares to take over Russia's presidency in 2012, Putinism's tenants appear to be:

1) state/oligarch capitalism;
2) courts subsumed to the will of the executive branch of government;
3) electoral manipulation and abuse;
4) repeated use of police intimidation of human rights and democracy activists, and growing police corruption;
5) intimidation and killing of journalists;
6) state control and revision of history;
7) declining religious freedom while promoting State Russian Orthodoxy."......

Read more:

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Moscow Tea Party.

Join our group on Facebook:

Next Party - in September, 12.

Monday, July 26, 2010

As I cannot to work under “my” scientific texts because of fucking terrible heat in Moscow (+35), these days I constantly read the downloaded book of Francis King – “The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O.”, published in 1973 in the U.S.A. and previously concerned the initiation Rites of Ordo Templi Orientis during its Thelemic period. At the present moment I’ve red only until the end of the Third Degree, but I’m already must to say, that this book is very interesting. Firstly, because of its beginning chapters about the O.T.O.’s history. Secondly, because of demonstration of the strictly Masonic elements in the Initiation structure and Rites. And thirdly, because of my wishing to find out the similarities (and, maybe, visible contradictions) between the Rites of the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica and the O.T.O. itself.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Russia as fascistic and clerical state.

Church and state in Russia
Art under arrest
A blasphemy trial shows the limit of Russia’s cultural freedom
Jul 1st 2010

Avant-garde Samodurov under guard

A CONTEMPORARY work of art can provoke outrage disproportionate to its artistic merit. In Russia it can also herald a change in the course of history. In 1962 the then Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev famously denounced and banned an exhibition of avant-garde artists in Moscow, saying his grandson could paint better. This marked the end of the short post-Stalinist thaw and ushered in the period of “stagnation”. Khrushchev himself was deposed two years later.

Nearly 50 years on, Russian prosecutors are demanding a three-year jail sentence for the organisers of a contemporary-art exhibition in Moscow. The verdict, expected on July 12th, could have an impact far greater than the exhibition itself and determine the balance of power between ultranationalist religious radicals and secular pragmatists in Russia.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dear friends, Moscow’s Gnostic scientific group need your help.

Dear friends,
Our scientific group need (for the future links, notes and cites) some pages from the book. ALL these pages can be opened only from the DIFFERENT ip-addresses. This is a specific of so-called “limited access” to the books from the project

Namely, we need following help. You may open the following link - and, with help of “Content” in the left upper corner or with help of option “Search in this book”, you may try to open and to make a “print screen” (by taping CTRL + PRINT SCREEN) of the following pages


and save them on your computers as images of any format. Then you may send them to me on the following e-mail: alex_rainy @ .

I hope on your possible help, because we have a great problem with buying so expensive for us, and geographically hard-accessed edition.

Thanks so much.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Support Russian Activists Calling for their Constitutional Rights.

Human rights defenders and opposition political activists have formed a coalition in Russia to defend basic political rights that have been under attack for years. The Strategy 31 protests are organized on the 31st day of every month that has 31 days, with the next one scheduled to take place on March 31st. They take their name from Article 31 of the Russian Constitution, which upholds freedom of peaceful assembly.

By trying to convene peaceful political assemblies in cities throughout Russia while routinely facing obstruction from the authorities, the protesters hope to demonstrate the extent to which basic political freedoms, in this case the right to peaceful assembly, are denied in practice. Previous attempts to convene such rallies have been broken up by police with hundreds of participants, including leading political and human rights figures, taken into detention.

TAKE ACTION NOW to urge Russian President Dmitri Medvedev to grant peaceful protesters the rights guaranteed to them by Article 31 of the Russian Constitution and by binding international human rights treaties.

Click Here to Take Action:

One note from me personally: Medvedev is not a President, but "President", because he was not elected freely. Russia is not democratic state, absolutely.


Was Google right to delete its website and redirect users to its Hong Kong site?

I voted YES. Undoubtedly. Fuck Chinese totalitarian authorities!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Another one fascistic action of Russian police. service interrupted by excessive police action.

Today (March 17th 2010) police investigators showed up at the datacenter located at building 5 on 2nd Entuziastov street. They produced a statement entitling them to conduct operational search in order to obtain some evidence located at the site.

Employees in charge offered to take each and every reasonable step in order to obtain the evidence, and to track a user responsible for uploading the information in question. However, the offer was unexpectedly turned down. Instead, policemen started to insist on seizure and removing of ALL of the Agava's equipment (approx 100 servers) and taking it to police headquarters for the purpose of their own investigation. After some intense debates the seizure was averted. Unfortunately, as an alternative the investigators switched off and sealed all of the iFolder servers and also a number of servers that had no relation to iFolder whatsoever.

Agava considers that unprecedented event as putting in jeopardy and dimming the future of every business in Runet. We are determined to challenge and overcome the excessive and destructive actions we encountered, to protect our customer's interests. We thank our clients in advance for their patience, and for media and other support they provide us with.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The most famous books about Soviet aggression against Finland in 1939-1940 I'm recommending for you, my friends:

1. Born a soldier. The Times and Life of Larry a Throne. By J. Michel Cleverly.
25 euros.

2. Finland at War 1939-45. By Philip Jowett and Brent Snodgrass.
18 euros.

3. Frozen Hell. By William Trotter.
17 euros.

4. White Death. By Robert Edwards.
17 euros.

5. The Winter War. By Eloise Engle and Lauri Paananen.
22 euros.

6. The Winter War. William Trotter.
16 euros.

7. The Winter War. By Robert Edwards.
32 euros.

And you may also buy another books (in Finnish) on that theme in Academic Bookstore in Helsinki (Akateminen Kirjakauppa), situated on the corner of Keskuskatu and pohj. Esplanadi, near Schwedish theatre.