Thursday, December 2, 2010

Open Letter to The FIFA Executive Committee from the members of the Russian National Tea Party Movement.

(And, of course, from me too.)

Dear Members of the Executive Committee,

Since Russia is a candidate country for hosting the 2018 world cup, we urge you not to give Russia this status.

First, in contrast to the developed countries, in Russia the bulk of the costs of organizing the world cup will be borne by the taxpayers and not those who would be willing to voluntarily contribute to the world cup. We believe that it would be unjust to force all Russians to finance the world cup, even those who are not in any way interested in football.

Secondly, as you may know, there is neither an independent judicial system, nor sufficient rule of law in Russia. The citizens’ property rights, including property rights in land plots are not adequately protected. And the existing legislation allows takings of private land plots for very loosely formulated public purposes. This raises our concern with the fate of Russian citizens whose property rights in land plots would be under threat in connection with the creation of infrastructure for the world cup.

We hope that the rights of ordinary Russian citizens are more important to you than the interests of potential small circle of well connected Russian beneficiaries from the world cup.

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