Friday, December 28, 2007

Serge freed yesterday!

Dear friends,

A Radical Party activist Serge Konstantinov and 2 other activists of youth oppositional structures were freed yesterday's evening from arrest thanking to succesfful appeal process in Presnensky court in Moscow.

So, the hunger strike announced by Serge as a form of radical and nonviolent protest against unlawful arrest has finished today. We're glad to inform you that this New Year's eve Serge will celebrate in free external conditions, and we say THANK YOU for your possible support of Serge and other people.

Sincerely, -
Alex Moma,
Press-secretary of "Free Radicals",
A Nonviolent Radical Party activist.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

A Radical Party's activist Serge Konstantinov arrested on 15 days,

including the New Year's eve, according to Sunday's verdict of Moscow fascistic "judge". This fuckin' judge sentenced also 2 other young democratic movement activists - Dmitry Konstantinov and Alexey Ignatenko - to 10 days of arrest. After all, other 4 activists who were spectators on that court's process(Valentina Chubarova, Maria Paramonova, Nikolay Zboroshenko and Aleksey Kazakov) arrested after their protests against totally unlawful closing of the judge's meeting. Now they're in the police (until morning), and they're also risks to get 10 or 15 days of arrest.

You must to know, my dear foreign friends, that Russia is absolutely non-democratic, fascistic state, there people have no freedom of speech and manifestations. KGB again, like in Soviet totalitarian times, governs this state. And the majority of our people has totally slavery psychology and mentality, and authorities uses this fact "successfully".

I think that position of Western authorities and parliaments is shameful: they are, de facto, supports fascistic Putin's dictature because of having oil and gass from it. This factor has a quite important role in the fact that our fuckin' dictatorship becomes more and more strong. The elections falsifies, the laws becomes more and more repressive, human rights are not observes.

Important note: Serge continues his hunger strike against unlawful arrest he announced in the midnight of Friday\Saturday.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

News about Serge Konstantinov and other 3 unlawfully arrested persons.

It's unprecedently even for putin's Russia: According to our laws, our arrestants (A Radical Party's activist Serge Konstantinov and others) could not be kept in the police more than 3 hours without judge's verdict, but now they're in police department already 2nd evening, and will be there, at least, until tomorrow's midday! Moscow is Babylon of unjustice and authoritarism...

By the way, Oleg Kozlovsky, whom our activists were trying to protect yesterday, and who was unlawfully conscribed in the "army" of our Reich, was secretly departured from Moscow to Ryazan. He has ill legs and, on this case, serious medical limitation on the regular military service...

Here's special statement of Radical Party:

Friday, December 21, 2007

Fresh news from fascistic Putin's Russia.

Dear friends,

A Radical Party activist Serge Konstantinov was arrested again in Friday's evening, and police unlawfully keeps him in the police department "Arbat" in the centre of Moscow. Yesterday Serge, as approx. 20 other men and women, took part in the legal and nonviolent street's action in support of coordinator of OBORONA ("DEFENCE") youth oppositional movement Oleg Kozlovsky, who was unlawfully conscribed in the army these days according to "advice" of the FSB-KGB.

Police officer, in the rough form, said to Serge this midnight that he will be arrested (after tomorrow's so-called "justice decision") on 15 days, i.e. during the Christmas and New Year's eves Serge risks to "celebrate" at the Moscow's prison, not at home, with his wife Katya.

I shall inform you about fresh news concerning Serge and other arrested people these days.

Sincerely, -
Alex Moma,
Nonviolent & Transnational Radical Party activist,
"Free Radicals" press-secretary (