Sunday, November 30, 2008

To our Congress.

Moscow's FREE RADICALS Libertarian Movement, an unofficial Russian branch of the Nonviolent Radical Party, celebrates this month its second anniversary and holds its Third Congress the day after tomorrow.

To tell you the truth, for Russian liberal and liberatrian activists it's not easy task to find a hall for their movements' gatherings and meetings. Kremlin's and local authorities makes all that only possible for preventing our Congresses. For example, recently radically oppositional all-Russian future "The Solidarity" Democratic Forces Movement have had a Congress of its Moscow Branch, that cold be held on three weeks earlier than it was: not in November, 23, but in November, 2. But earlier the concert halls owners were afraid of the possible and threatened future repressions from the authorities and rejected to organizers in the halls providing.

But our movement is not large, and we hope we'll have no problems (especially "in the last minutes") with the small hall or even room for our Congress.

UPD: We've provided it!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

My dear Gnostic friends,

I need your help.

Could you scan and send me by e-mail an introduction to the Pistis Sophia edition by George Horner (not G.R.S. Mead!) of 1924 ?

I need this material for the future intro to the Pistis Sophia Russian edition. My attempts to receive it in Russian and Finnish libraries were unsuccessful.

Beforehand thanks, -

Alex Moma,
Translator of the Pistis Sophia into Russian.

My e-mail: alex_rainy @

The FIRST edition of St. Paul.

the revolutionary work of PAUL-LOUIS COUCHOUD (1928)-----Harnack followed the ecclesiastical authors without critically examining their assertions. He relied on them. If he had been aware of the fact that Irenaeus, Tertullian, Epiphanius could not have thought otherwise than they did without becoming heretic and that their opinion depended completely on their faith, he would have agreed that it made sense to take up the question once again and to handle the question with purely critical method. Yet critical investigation stands against the assumptions of the ecclesiastical authors. It shows as we will see, that the Apostolicon is not a mutilation of the long edition but, on the contrary, that the long edition is nothing but a reworked and extended Apostolicon. In other words, the text reconstructed by Harnack is the genuine edition of the Paulina. It is the oldest version available to us.
-----full text:

Taken here:

Thanks to the post' author.

New Future UN Resolution Concerning Death Penalty.


November 20, 2008.
The Third Commission of the United Nations’ General Assembly approved, for the second consecutive year, the draft resolution on the 'Moratorium on the use of the death penalty.' 105 countries voted in favour, 48 against, with 31 abstentions. Compared to the resolution approved by the same commission in 2007, there was an increase of 6 favourable votes, a decrease of 4 votes against, and two less abstentions. "The UN vote records a positive trend towards the abolition of the death penalty around the world over the last ten years. It also rewards our efforts to end, through the moratoria, the aberration of a nation becoming Cain in order to defend Abel," Sergio D'Elia, Hands Off Cain Secretary, commented.

The resolution was introduced at the Assembly by the Chilean representative, under the name of a coalition or representative countries from all continents. There were 89 co-sponsors of the resolution this year, two more than the previous year. Countries for the death penalty presented 7 amendments. This included two affirming the principle of the internal sovereignty of nations, that if approved would have weakened the political strength of the text. They were all denied by a widening majority with respect to last year. In substance, the text (which is much more concise than the one in 2007) concentrated on the moratoria. It also relaunched the previous year’s resolution, favourably saluting the decision of countries that put into practice the moratoria. Reminding the Assembly of the global trend towards the elimination of the death penalty, the text welcomes the relevant Report by the Secretary General.

The definitive approval of the text by the General Assembly is scheduled for mid December, and the text establishes that the Assembly will return to discuss it within two years.

Monday, November 17, 2008

This Saturday

I've baptized in the Thelemic "Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica", as decided in September. Moscow's Thelemites from O.T.O.'s Pan's Asylum Camp and its Church are my good friends, and according to their invites I took part in the Gnostic Masses - during past 2 years every 3-4 weeks. Also I red and heard the lections in Moscow's Colledge "Thelema-93". So, now I'm a spiritual member of O.T.O.

At the same time, I'm staying, of course, a "strict" Gnostic and Gnostic texts' translator and researcher and as a member of classical Gnostic "Ecclesia Gnostica Russica" (created in Saint-Petersburgh not as a branch or a parish, but as a follower-in-common of the "Ecclesia Gnostica"; I was its co-ordinator since January until July, 2007). As I know, there are only two large esoteric organisations of Occultic type - Theosophical Society (including its Russian branch), and O.T.O., those position concerning their adept's membership in and studying of another Occultic and esoteric organisations \ traditions is completely positive.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Message of Radical MEP Marco Cappato to the World Congress "Right to Die" Participants.

Paris, November 2008
Dear Jean-Luc, dear Elke, dear Jacqueline, dear participants to the Right to Die - World Congress, Unfortunately, due to the Congress of Radicali italiani, which is happening exactly in the same days, we - as Nonviolent Radical Party, Radicali italiani and Associazione Luca Coscioni - cannot be with you in Paris today for your important Congress.

Nonetheless, we have been together some time ago for the conference that the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats has hosted in the European Parliament, entitled "Medically Assisted Dying and Euthanasia - a matter of human rights".

As you will recall, that conference has been an important moment from different perspectives: it was the first event of this relevance in the European Parliament, bringing together so many people from different countries and from different fields, from politicians to legal experts, from bio-ethicists to witnesses, from NGOs to citizens. We have discussed and analysed the situation in those States that have legalized euthanasia as well as in those that have not, and the respective consequences. We have evaluated legal reports underlining how assisted dying and euthanasia are in full conformity with Conventions on human rights. We have drafted a resolution / declaration going further, affirming that fully recognising the right to dignity leads to regulation and legalization of end of life decisions and euthanasia.

Your contribution to that conference has been fundamental. You have provided participants with your experience on the field of campaigning for the right to die in dignity, and you have provided us with suggestions on the declaration / resolution, which participants to the Conference have officially endorsed. At the same time we continue the campaign to get to a legal recognition of living wills and for the right to die in dignity. As you will imagine, we have as adversaries on this campaign in Italy the Vatican and their "representatives" in the Italian Parliament, both in the majority and in the opposition. Some important judicial developments have taken place, starting with the case of Piero Welby (our Co-President) and Eluana Englaro - but the regime and its representatives are still trying to block any change, including by taking jurdicial and legislative action. The public opinion is with us - and any support from international campaigners is welcome.

I believe that something that is needed, and on which the World Federation could be active, is to launch a network of legislators, Ministers, Political Party leaders, but also actors, directors, university professors at the international, European and national level, to bring together their energies for a European and international campaign, aimed at raising awareness and build public and political support for change.

Dear friends, we shall work together to do this. The work ahead of us is huge! I wish you, together with my friends from the Nonviolent Radical Party and the Association Luca Coscioni I have the honour to chair, to have a productive conference and lets' campaign together on medically assisted dying and euthanasia - which is first of all a matter of human rights!

Regards, Marco Cappato, MEP, Nonviolent Radical Party, Luca Coscioni Association

Monday, November 3, 2008

Vote for Libertarian Party Candidates!

And fuck off them both: clerical-moralistic Republicans and "socialist" Democrats!