Sunday, November 30, 2008

To our Congress.

Moscow's FREE RADICALS Libertarian Movement, an unofficial Russian branch of the Nonviolent Radical Party, celebrates this month its second anniversary and holds its Third Congress the day after tomorrow.

To tell you the truth, for Russian liberal and liberatrian activists it's not easy task to find a hall for their movements' gatherings and meetings. Kremlin's and local authorities makes all that only possible for preventing our Congresses. For example, recently radically oppositional all-Russian future "The Solidarity" Democratic Forces Movement have had a Congress of its Moscow Branch, that cold be held on three weeks earlier than it was: not in November, 23, but in November, 2. But earlier the concert halls owners were afraid of the possible and threatened future repressions from the authorities and rejected to organizers in the halls providing.

But our movement is not large, and we hope we'll have no problems (especially "in the last minutes") with the small hall or even room for our Congress.

UPD: We've provided it!

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