Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Gay-Pride in Finland.

I think this year's Helsinki Pride Parade was even much better than 2 years ago, because:
1. There's no terrible heat like that time - only 20 degrees now, and cloudly. So fine!
2. My old friend Petri now guides me in special kahvila...
3. The musical part (in the park, after parade) was better, than 2 years ago.
4. As it seems to me, today there were much more beautiful (namely beautiful) girls and young people in common.
5. There was much more heterosexuals (like me), many with their children. And without traditional for Russia clerical-orthodox fucking bullshit' roarings about "destroying of family´s values", etc.
6. Food in the park wasn't so expensive: tea for 1, and sausage for 1.50 E.

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