Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Putin's Russia as Fascistic Dictatorship of Special Type.

Somebody <.......@yahoo.com> wrote in "Gnostic Politics":

Topic: Did God or the Demiurge[?] tell Bush in invade Iraq and to
wage war? What do you thinkk of this?

My today's answer:

I think not only G.W. Bush, but all the U.S. neo-conses, with their total moralistic quasi-religious sanctimony, heard the voice of Jaldabaoth, not God's! But our "President", Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is much worse than Bush, I think he's even straight incarnation of somebody from Demiurge's "Angels" crowd: he invaded Chechnya and killed democratic freedoms in Russia - almost all freedoms. And he's establishing, step by step, Orthodoxal-clerical type of state in Russia of the early 21th century.

Sincerely, -
Alex Moma,
a member of
Ecclesia Gnostica Russica,
Moscow region, Russia.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Terrible Situation with small confessions of Iraq. An open letter from the one of American Gnostic bishops.

As many are aware, there is a deeply mystical tradition quite proximal
in many ways to Gnosticism (and has been called as such in the early
church) in the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches. Unfortunately,
those Churches are located in a current war zone.

Father Robert Lyons sent out this message, and I wanted to forward it
to you. Please keep these communities in your prayers.

T. Vincent II

*A Chaldean priest and three deacons killed in Mosul*

Fr Ragheed Ganni, 34, was hit by gunfire in front of the Church of the
Holy Spirit. Three deacons, who served as his aides, were also killed.

An armed group gunned down and killed *Fr Ragheed Ganni and three of
his aides*. The murder took place right after Sunday mass in front of
the Church of the Holy Spirit in Mosul where Father Ragheed was parish
priest. Sources told *AsiaNews* that hours later the bodies were
still lying in the street because no one dared retrieve them. Given
the situation tensions in the area remain high. For some time since
the fall of Saddam Hussein Christians have become victims of what
amounts to an open campaign of persecution often denounced by Chaldean
and Orthodox bishops. Father Ragheed himself had been targeted several
times in previous attacks. The Church of the Holy Spirit has also been
repeatedly attacked and bombed in the last few years, the last time
occurred but a few months ago.

May the souls of Father Ganni and his deacon-aides, through the
infinite mercy of God, rest in peace; and may their senseless deaths
bear fruit. May the blood of these Martyrs nourish the Church in Iraq
to stand firm in her witness against injustice, oppression, and hatred.