Wednesday, October 29, 2008


An interview of Georgian Foreign Affairs Minister concerning this year's Russian aggressive war against Georgia. Video of Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty:

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Brussels, 22nd October 2008

With 479 votes in favour and only 21 against the European parliament adopted the Resolution put forward by the Radical MEPs Marco Cappato and Marco Pannella on the EU-Vietnam relations. In the document approved today, the European parliament asks the European Commission not to sign any agreement before the Vietnamese counterpart complies and respects the following conditions:

- A guarantee to the United Nations of an unfettered access to the entire country, including the central and northern highlands, where the Montagnard people live;

- The release of all of the political prisoners, including 300 Christian Montagnards as well as Khmer Krom Buddhist Monks, Human Rights activists, authors of petitions on land property, cyber-dissidents, trade unions leaders, catholic priests and members of the Hoa Hoa Buddhist church and the Cao Dai religion;

- To quash the house arrest sentence inflicted to Tich Quang Do, Supreme Patriarch of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam, and to the Kmer Krom monk Tim Sakhorn;

- To allow independent religious organisations to freely exercise their activities; to give back the ecclesiastic properties and pagodas which have been confiscated by the Vietnamese government and to restore the juridical status of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam;

- To abrogate the Vietnamese legislation dispositions which persecute any dissent and the exercise of certain religious activities.

Cappato and Pannella stated: “With its vote, the Parliament asks the Commission and the Council to respect its own European legality, which stipulates that all commercial agreements be subordinated to the Human Rights clause. The Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty commits to make sure that this vote will be observed. We will also inform the Italian Government about the seriousness of this situation and about the necessity to act immediately by means of official statements and actions”.


Censorship. Version 2.0. Analysis of Radio Free Europe \ Radio Liberty

NEW YORK -- Sergei Kuznetsov, who founded one of Russia's first blogs in the early 1990s, was recently approached with an offer from a company affiliated with the Kremlin.

The company, whose name he did not reveal, presented a budget of millions of rubles to be used exclusively for public relations in the world of Russian blogs. Kuznetsov had the influence and the technical skills, and the government evidently had the interest.

Kuznetsov's situation is not unique in today's Russian Internet, or RuNet.

The second fastest-growing national cyberspace in the world, it has nearly 4 million blogs and counting -- which means an increasing opportunity for dissenting voices and pluralism of opinions.

But the co-opting of prominent bloggers and leaders of online-based political movements exemplifies the Kremlin's use of "soft," or indirect power to counter the Internet's democratizing potential, says Robert Saunders, a member of, an online scholarly research group focusing on the Russian Internet.

Read more:

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Good "American" Social-Educational Analog of our Transnational Radicals -

The International Society for Individual Liberty is an association of individuals and organizations dedicated to building a free and peaceful world, respect for individual rights and liberties, and an open and competitive economic system based on voluntary exchange and free trade. Members and affiliated organizations pursue these goals through independent action, using their freely chosen strategies. The association exists to promote the exchange of information and ideas, to study diverse strategies and to foster fellowship.


Radical Party activists continues a campaign for the defence of Tarek Aziz' life.

October 11, 2008: Radical leader Marco Pannella held a press conference with lawyer Mario Lana at Montecitorio regarding Tarek Aziz, Saddam Hussein's ex Foreign Affairs Minister. Aziz has been detained in Iraq since 2003 and is at risk of being sentenced to death. Lana met the ex Iraqi Foreign Affairs Minister many times and collaborated with him in Iraq.

'Tareq Aziz has only known the charges against him since 2007: being complicit in the so called Friday Mosque attack and the massacre of Iraqi merchants,' Lana explained.

But what worries the lawyer is a new charge that will cause a third trial. 'Last weekend a new charge of complicity in the deportation of the Kurdish population was formulated. It is a very serious charge that, if confirmed, could result in a death sentence,' Lana said.

'They are war crimes or crimes against humanity, which according to past experience should be judged by an international or at least mixed tribunal. Aziz has been denied this,' Lana emphasised.

It is in this context that 'Hands Off Cain' commits to its campaign for Aziz. Pannella said the campaign to prevent Saddam Hussein's execution was 'a gamble but not a failure,' and now he is fighting against time to save Tarek Aziz's life.
'We've already had a victory with the intervention of Lana and the mobilisation of public support. We have remembered a man that everyone left to die,' Pannella observed.

Aziz has been held since 2003 in Camp Propper, an Iraqi jail under American control.

Book about (and against) anti-sexual paranoia in the modern United States.

Judith Levine. Harmful to Minors. The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex.
University of Minnesota Press, 2002; 302 p.; ISBN 0-8166-4006-8

Author had a 2-years problems with publication of that book-issue.
Highly recommended.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Russian Democratic Activists Supports Full-Time Broadcasting of the U.S. Congress Sponsored RADIO LIBERTY. I'm signing also.

Vladimir Bukovsky
Vladimir Kara-Murza, Jr.
Boris Nemtsov

Broadcasting Board of Governors
330 Independence Avenue SW
Washington DC 20237

October 3, 2008

Dear Board Members:

It is with concern and bewilderment that we have learned of the plans by the Broadcasting Board of Governors to reduce broadcasts of the Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty Russian service from January 1, 2009.

As you know, in recent years the Russian government has established a near-total control over national broadcasters. Russian citizens no longer have access to objective political information. Opposition leaders are barred from the airwaves, and only government-approved views are presented. Just last month Radio Ekho Moskvy, the last remaining major independent outlet, came under pressure from Prime Minister Vladimir Putin over its coverage of the war with Georgia.

It is difficult to understand why, in such a context, the BBG would wish to reduce the Russian broadcasts of Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, which provides a rare voice of independence for hundreds of thousands of Russian listeners.

The official explanation that funds will be transferred to RFE/RL Russian-language website makes little sense, since government censorship in Russia affects mostly television and radio, while the internet is independent. In addition, the majority of Russians do not have access to the internet.

We express our hope that you will reconsider this decision.

Vladimir Bukovsky
Fmr. Presidential Candidate;
Delegate, Congress of Democratic
Forces of Russia

Vladimir Kara-Murza, Jr.
Fmr. Parliamentary Candidate;
Delegate, Congress of Democratic
Forces of Russia

Boris Nemtsov
Fmr. Deputy Prime Minister;
Delegate, Congress of
Democratic Forces of Russia

(In Russian, shortly: